Tuesday 20 December 2011

Memorable Tales of Food & Wine

by Alliance Wine

“Memorable Tales of Food & Wine”

The link between our sense of smell and our memory is incredibly powerful and the ability to re-call events and emotions as a result of smelling something familiar, even if not consciously committed to memory, is common to us all.

Proust’s famous piece on the evocative abilities of tea and madeleines, the haunting, sinister attraction of aroma in the novel “Perfume” or the more populist recollections of Will Smith in “Summertime” (or should that be Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince? " Remember how the smell of a girl brings back nostalgia")) all indicate that whether we know it or not, our sense of smell and memory are inextricably linked.

In gastronomy, those associated with molecular gastronomy in particular have re-awakened a link between taste, aroma and memory in a way that is perhaps more conscious than ever before but is more thoughtful, effective and enjoyable than ever. One only needs to look at the enjoyment to be gleaned from Heston’s Victorian feasts to realise that food (and of course wine) has the power to do far more than satiate.

It is however both an underdeveloped research subject and an under-utilised tool by those in the wine industry – and particularly those whose job it is to enlighten and engage the consumer. When debates rage on about how we should engage the consumer or indeed whether the consumer needs to be engaged at all, are we perhaps missing the oldest trick in the book when it comes to marketing? In telling the stories that bring wine to life, could we be more aware of the power of smell and its ability to touch and to evoke emotions far more powerful than simplistic price led mechanics will ever be?

Gastronomica by Alliance Wine is our 2012 portfolio tasting – but it is more than that. Involving stories from our producers of people and meals long gone (but fondly remembered) as well as the inspirational food moments that our staff have enjoyed, we will relate the stories, smells and tastes that bring the subject of wine to life. Dishes from winemaker’s recollections will be re-invented and paired with memorable wines to produce a tasting that highlights the strengths of Alliance’s portfolio but also the different perspectives that we bring to the industry.

For more information on the tastings to be held in London and Edinburgh, please contact Laura Boyce or Christine Allen. laura.boyce@alliancewine.co.uk

For further discussions on food, wine, memory and marketing, please contact Giles Cooke MW giles.cooke@alliancewine.co.uk

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